Karin Miles
Movement Alive
About Karin
Karin’s credentials are extensive:
German Certified Riding Instructor Trainer C and Trainer B.
Certified by the German FN for “Bodies in Motion” (Balimo) after Eckhart Meyners by Gabriele Nimsky (FN)
(one of a very few in the US)
Certified Franklin Method Equestrian Balls with Dynamic Neuro-Cognitive Imagery
(One of the first 8 certified worldwide)
International Certified Riding Instructor – Level II
(by International Group for Equestrian Qualifications (IGEQ)
USDF Certified Associate INSTRUCTOR
USDF -L-Judge Program Candidate
Junior Bronze Achievement Award Riding - FN Germany
Bronze Achievement Award Work in Hand - FN Germany
Silver Achievement Award Riding- FN Germany
Bronze & Silver Medal Award *Lounging* - FN Germany -
Certified Equine Massage Therapist
Straightness Training Mastery student and frequent ST workshop host
ESMT Certified